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Adults With Fasd

The Lakeland Centre For Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (LCFASD) is a not-for-profit organization with offices throughout northeast Alberta to provide a helping hand to people at any age or stage of life.

FASlink Fetal Alcohol Disorders Society provides research, information, support and communications on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD, …

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Go here for: Tools for Parents and Caregivers. FASD is widely understood to be a hidden disability. Although it has been over 40 years since the harmful effects of prenatal alcohol exposure were identified in medical literature, the majority of individuals with FASD—of any age—are not properly diagnosed.

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Go here for: Tools for Parents and Caregivers. Prenatal exposure to alcohol can result in an almost limitless combination of physical and functional birth defects.

FASD Awareness Day: September 9th raising awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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Our clinic specialises in assessing and treating ren and adults with FASD. We are the only specialist FASD clinic in the UK and one of the few places that can confidently diagnose Alcohol Related Neurodevelopment Disorder.

CLBC’s new Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Resource Supporting Success for Adults with FASD is designed to be used by CLBC staff, service providers, community members, family members and others who work with adults with FASD.

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29% of U.S. Adults Drink Too Much—Risky drinkers include both the 4% of U.S. adults who are dependent on alcohol (alcoholic) and the 25% who are not dependent. Both groups drink in ways that put themselves and others at risk of harm. 1,2 Many Binge Drink † —More than 38 million American adults

Adults with FASD share their stories. The following adults wanted to share their stories on what life has been like for them growing up with FASD.

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Why FASD Connections; Why cents and Adults; Why Now? The accepted prevalence rated for FASD in North America is conservatively estimated at 1% of …