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Dryness In Mouth

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Dryness In Mouth 8

Radiation therapy to the head and neck areas, some types of chemo, and certain other medicines can cause dry mouth or thick saliva. The glands that make saliva can become irritated and make less saliva, or your saliva can become very thick and sticky. Dryness can be mild or severe. A dry mouth can

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Low-dose estrogen therapy, vaginal moisturizers and vaginal lubricants are among possible treatments for postmenopausal vaginal dryness and the discomforts it …

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Cracks at the corners of your mouth, a chronic inflammatory condition medically known as angular cheilitis or perleche, can be painful, unsightly and embarrassing. Although these cracks may look and feel dry, dry skin is not the cause of cheilitis, and applying moisturizer may make matters worse

Dry sinuses is the condition when the cause of the infection is not the presence of mucus but allergies. There might be no clogs, but the pain is

Dryness occurs around the corners of the mouth for a number of reasons, including excessive licking of the lips, exposure to wind, sun exposure and several

Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth and dry mouth syndrome, is dryness in the mouth, which may be associated with a change in the composition of saliva, or reduced salivary flow, or have no identifiable cause.

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Vaginal dryness can happen after menopause — either natural menopause or early menopause brought on by breast cancer treatment. Estrogen levels drop and the membranes of the vagina get thinner, become less …

Dry Mouth. The many causes of dry mouth, combined with its variable severity, mandate that treatment be individually tailored to fit each patient’s situation.