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Fat Vs Bad

There’s a big difference between good and bad fat — here’s how to pick the best heart-healthy fats

Being able to pinch an inch at your waistline may be upsetting to you. That pinchable fat is soft belly fat, also known as subcutaneous fat, acts as

When it comes to diet, fats get a bad rap. Some of this is justified, because certain types of fat — and the fat-like substance cholesterol — may play a role in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. But not all fats are created equal. Some fats are better for you than others

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There’s more to a ketogenic diet than just eating fat. Learn what type of fats are the best for keto and which ones to avoid.

Is butter bad for you? For decades, the food processing industry has used advertising campaigns to successfully lie about the urgent and proven need to replace “unhealthy” butter with “healthy” margarine. But now we know that this teaching was nothing more than made-up. In the battle of

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This infographic sheds light on the issue of good carbs vs bad carbs and discusses what you should consider when choosing where to get your daily carbohydrates.

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Permalink. The fear of sugar is unnecessary. Not only have we seen clear evidence of what happens when someone eats a ton of carbs in this video – but we can look at your average American which SURE gets tons of sugar BUT also gets a ton of fat.

Good fats, bad fats, ugly fats. Dr. Hyman is setting the record straight on which is which and how to source the good stuff

WebMD knows that fats are an important part of a healthy diet. Learn about these good fats, including how much – and which kind – you should be eating.

Good fat can have positive health benefits but bad fat can have negative impact on one’s health. Learn which foods contain the best fats for your body.

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