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The Penis Monologue

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Voila! The Vagina Monologues transcript is here for all you fans of the Eve Ensler play. The entire dialogue script, all the quotes, the whole shebang.

Oscar becomes the beacon of Hollywood masculinity after Jimmy Kimmel’s opening monologue.

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Mar 04, 2018 · Jimmy Kimmel kicked off the 90th Academy Awards at the Dolby Theatre, his second turn hosting, by first riffing on last year’s Academy Awards—specifically, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway

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Watch Jimmy Kimmel’s 2018 Oscars monologue begins with a throwback to last year’s Best Picture mistake.

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Mar 05, 2018 · Jimmy Kimmel said he wouldn’t shy away from touchy issues in his Oscars opening monologue — and the guy is good for his word. As expected, Kimmel took swipes at Harvey Weinstein, Fox News and President Trump during his 15-minute opener, but he saved one of his best zingers for Vice President Mike

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Jimmy Kimmel skewered sexual harassment in Hollywood and joked about last year’s Best Picture mixup during his Oscars opening monologue.

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“Oscar is a very respected man in Hollywood. Just look at him, he keeps his hands where we can see them,” said Kimmel. After a comedic black-and-white video introducing some of the night’s honored guests, Jimmy Kimmel took to the stage for his second consecutive Oscars monologue on Sunday night

Mar 04, 2018 · In Mr. Kimmel’s opening monologue, he cracked jokes about Harvey Weinstein, “Black Panther” and last year’s Oscar envelope mix-up.

“I Knew I Had To Do Something To Set Myself Apart” In this long, single-shot monologue, early 1960s female empowerment book author (Down with Love) Barbara Novak (Renee Zellweger) gave a long convoluted explanation to lothario playman Catcher Block (Ewan McGregor), a star reporter for Know, a men’s

“Thanks to Guillermo, we will always remember this year as the year men screwed up so badly, women started dating fish.” The Oscars opened with a black-and-white newsreel-style video montage to honor the 90th annual Academy Awards, and then host Jimmy Kimmel took to the stage to begin his monologue

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